I spent most of the day on Saturday, a clear, blue sky 65 degree January day, on campus attending athletic events: first, Rice’s first ever Quidditch tournament with guest teams from Baylor, LSU and Texas A&M; second, men’s club lacrosse versus UTSA; third, women’s club ultimate versus Texas; and finally, men’s basketball versus Tulane. On other fields, I saw intramural soccer and intramural ultimate. It was one of those days when I am reminded how great it is to be in Houston in January and how privileged we all are to be at Rice. Paula and I took a bike ride through campus on Sunday, visiting with students and enjoying the peace of the day.
What is the point of these observations? Simply this: Rice is a great place to learn, to work and to live, and it is all the greater when the time is spent in the company of each other. Get outside and enjoy the weather and the beauty of the campus!